Username censorship
This chart shows the number of unique keywords in Sina UC List 2 as the lists changed. Colours of the points are generated based on the first 6 characters of the md5 hash of all keywords in the list. Points with the same colour and the same number of keywords should be the exact same list. Similar but different colours do not indicate any similarity between lists.
Jaccard similarity to first list
Jaccard similarity to previous list
Proportion of new unseen keywords
■ Words seen for the first time in Sina UC List 2
■ Words also in the previous list
■ Words not in previous list, but seen earlier in Sina UC List 2
20 Lists
- 2011-08-08 (626 keywords; 626 distinct)
- 2011-08-28 (594 keywords; 594 distinct)
- 2011-08-29 (626 keywords; 626 distinct)
- 2011-10-08 (628 keywords; 628 distinct)
- 2012-01-19 (498 keywords; 498 distinct)
- 2012-01-20 (628 keywords; 628 distinct)
- 2012-01-21 (628 keywords; 628 distinct)
- 2012-02-06 (547 keywords; 547 distinct)
- 2012-02-07 (629 keywords; 629 distinct)
- 2012-02-27 (629 keywords; 629 distinct)
- 2012-02-28 (629 keywords; 629 distinct)
- 2012-02-29 (629 keywords; 629 distinct)
- 2012-03-01 (629 keywords; 629 distinct)
- 2012-03-22 (548 keywords; 548 distinct)
- 2012-03-23 (629 keywords; 629 distinct)
- 2012-06-09 (481 keywords; 481 distinct)
- 2012-06-10 (629 keywords; 629 distinct)
- 2012-09-17 (476 keywords; 476 distinct)
- 2012-10-10 (476 keywords; 476 distinct)
- 2012-10-11 (476 keywords; 476 distinct)